Amazing speech, fantastic words, the message is getting out there, Someone is Always Listening.
Marianne Le Coyte Grinney 👇
*Please take care with this post, it touches on themes of mental health, death and suicide*
I don’t often post about work, but this felt important given some very tragic news we’ve received in my ward today.
At the last full council meeting, I spoke to second and support my opposition colleague’s motion. Video 👇🏼 for those interested; I urge you to watch, you never know, it might help you help someone.
Their motion was to promote the Legend on the Bench Charity (please do give them a follow) supporting 24/7 access to support for suicide.
We don’t talk nearly enough about mental health and we certainly don’t talk enough about suicidal ideation/thoughts or death by suicide.
We never truly know what people are going through, but reminding them that they are loved, they matter and they are important- often can be the difference that makes a difference.
If you’re struggling or know someone who is
Is a good resource.
My DM’s are always open for help with mental health signposting.