Mervyn Hemmington.

Today Mervyn Hemmington and his fundraisers set off at 7-30 in the morning to achieve their goal of walking 1 Million Steps in aid of Legend on the Bench charity, well, they did it. Each and every single one of them were so driven and motivated to finish the walk and were very anxious to get started.
Here they are below about to start their walk across the hilly terrain of Northampton to Kettering and back.

From almost the very start of the walk there were multiple hills to be climbed and conquered along the very tough route. Towards the end of the walk legs were looking tired and weary, the hills had taken their toll, but still they battled on bravely as they cajoled and dragged each other over the finishing line. Every single one of them achieved what they set out to achieve, I million steps, well done all. What an achievement, 25 mile of non stop walking at a very brisk pace, amazing.

So far the total amount raised is way in excess of over £4500 with more to come, this borders on 3 more benches bought and paid for, we are saving lives.

Thank you Mervyn and your team of fantastic people, your support is unwavering and we very much appreciate everything you have done and are doing.
Thank you all, together we are an unstoppable force, together we can make the World a better place for all not just the few. X